NEWS: Kirkus Reviews calls Buzzkill “a historical thriller enriched by characters who sparkle and refuse to be forgotten.”

Let’s take a minute and talk about stories, shall we?
We have that in common, you and I, the love of a well-crafted tale. Stories can be magic; they can enlighten, and above all they can entertain. Stories have been with us since, well, since there’s been an “us.” I grew up with Sherlock Holmes, Shell Scott, and of course, Bond, James Bond.
In my stories you’ll meet some interesting people. People like ex-broker T. R. Macdonald, his Significant Other Mary “Kandi” Shaw, and his best friend Walter “Snake” Dalrymple. We’ll go surfing at the Huntington Beach pier and at Maverick’s, a monster swell south of San Francisco. We’ll step back to the Sixties and meet Walter as a teen, when he’s in over his head, way over his head when Mary Jane Bailey knocks on his door looking like she just jumped out if a cake at bachelor party.
Mac, Kandi, Snake, Mary Jane and a creepy guy named Blank are all waiting for you.
Check out the Surf City Mysteries. And don’t miss my newest work – two novellas set in the 60s, Crashpad and. Buzzkill.
– James